As a Harvard graduate, Bracha could have worked in any number of high-paying fields. But she longed to make a difference in the lives of young people and became a prolific children’s author.

Bracha Goetz reads from one of her recent books to her two grandchildren Chaim Szendro, 1 and a half, and Tzippy, 3 and half.

You will learn:

Creating books for children that would have helped Bracha when she was young, dealing with eating disorders, has created opportunities for her to enrich the lives of her grandchildren and other readers by introducing her Jewish faith.

Many of us  try to fill our empty feelings inside, often with external things like food or substances, which Bracha says will never satisfy the inner longings of the soul.

Author bio

Bracha Goetz is the Harvard-educated author of 40 books  that help children’s souls shine and a candid memoir for adults about overcoming food addictions joyfully and spiritually.  Her books can be found at

Bracha Goetz can be contacted for presentations at

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Lizbeth’s memoir, now a movie! Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters

Lizbeth’s memoir, now a movie! Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters


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