Podcast Notes

Persistence U with Lizbeth Podcast

Podcast episodes are posted Wednesdays and include stories by and for survivors and strivers, all threaded together with a dose of persistence. 

                                                                                                                                                                                        Need help becoming a sought-after podcast guest? Click HERE for my freebie!


When Showing Up is Enough

I was so in need of a break before I set off for what we Alaskans call the Lower 48 some weeks back. Getting closer to retirement from a job I have loved and occasionally loathed, I’ve been searching for what comes next and where to live it. I’ve hoped for a place...

August Roundup

August Roundup

A quick note to share art and conversations that I think you might enjoy, too. My recent favorite book is Successful Self-Publishing by Joanna Penn. For anyone considering beginning a writing career, the author gives a step-by-step guide of how to succeed. And in a...

A Sign of Good things to Come

A Sign of Good things to Come

As I was driving my friend Ruth to lunch the other day in a windstorm, I grumbled in too great of detail about how many (relatively) little things turned to ash the previous week. Long made plans to raft with my family? Cancelled due to weather. My nifty birthday...

June Listens, Watches, and Reads

How are you? Welcome! It's June with a vengeance. With warmer temps and thicker wildfire smoke than I can remember in Alaska's history, it's one for the books. And movies. And podcasts. Due to the long and lovely summer days, I still have 6 hours of bright sunlight to...

Scenes From My Balcony on Summer Solstice

During summer solstice, a sacred time here in Alaska when it's light almost all night long, I sat on the balcony most of the day and night, reading and writing. I’d squished all of my socializing in the day before. Coffee with one friend, a long walk with another,...

May Musings

I've been listening to audiobook WHAT COMES NEXT AND HOW TO LIKE IT by Abigail Thomas, a terrific memoir that nudges me to savor the large and small happenings of life in the moment. So here's what's happening right now; my cats are chasing one another around the...

The Importance of Sharing Ugly

Yesterday, I had a conversation with the Seward Library Book Group about coming clean in my memoir, or, as one member put it, telling on myself.  Referring to the times I mentioned my own flaws and frailties, being judgmental or quick tempered, that are sprinkled...

On Love and Motivation.

It’s February, and my mind is on matters of love and motivation. On Love: I may be single, but I adore experiencing second-hand love. Here are two of my favorite Valentine’s reads.  One is from my friend Ginni Simpson on being in the moment with her...

One Good Thing Leads to Another

Have you ever noticed that when you set out to take a positive action, you're given a doubly positive reward? A couple of weeks ago, when I saw my maternal cousin’s Facebook post about her fitness coaching business being offered online, I jumped at the chance....

A Missing Girl/ A Found Helper

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”—Fred Rogers             “Do you remember me?” came the message from Greece this...

Snippets of Beauty

I'd like to share some moments of beauty in my weekend. I joined friends for a gorgeous kayaking trip for several hours in Prince William Sound this past weekend. Paddling through cool waters with nothing but the sound of glaciers calving was as calming as a massage....

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