Can you believe it? Half the year is gone.

If you’re like me, you likely made resolutions and promptly forgot them with the chaos life has dealt.

Funnily enough, I reread the post I wrote after the new year and remembered I had intended to detach some from my adult kids, as well as a let go of old belongings, resentments, and beliefs that weren’t productive.

Then life happened, and I forgot all about the list.

And that’s the beauty of crisis. All pretense of control in life, the lists we create, the goals we have are quickly replaced by trying to both survive and adapt.  From How do we shop now? Will I still have a job? to Will the movie theater ever open again? ( My concern, every day since mid-March), we continue to figure out how to keep moving forward.

It turns out, I lost control but was gifted time. Immediately I got rid of many of my belongings and started to assemble online courses to teach in fall and continued writing that will pave a path to more freedom of movement as I scout out where I’ll spend the next chapter. And my kids? They didn’t need my hovering over them to live their lives well in this new world.

I heard from a friend in California the other day who texted to say he’d pivoted his hospitality business to become a car wash as well as a place where art lessons were offered that created both community without physical contact. I was so impressed.

 We are built to survive.  There’s something  exhilarating about being tested and finding we can learn new strengths.

From downloading new apps to muscling through online everything, we’re still moving forward. We are persistent.

What have you surprised yourself with as you are moving through this long period of the Covid-19 crisis?

If you’d asked me in March if I could have ever imagined working on my own website when I’d spent my life telling people that I was technologically challenged, I’d have answered a hard No. But now I understand that everything a person could need to learn anything is online for free. I’m no maestro, but take baby steps.

We can’t control what’s happening around us. But can choose to optimize our response. To be persistent.

If you’re feeling the need for community, join me at the Thriving, Decoded Facebook group.

See you soon.






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