When Neloo’s  Bahai and Muslim parents married in Iran decades ago, it didn’t take long to them to realize that to raise children safely, they would need to come to America. Years later, their children embraced religious freedom to the max. The skill set needed to navigate passionate conversations around their religious diversity has become an asset to Neeloo, who, along with a friend, has created Peace, Unleashed.

You Will Learn:

Laughter brings people together and creates intimacy and is particularly powerful for managing conflict and reducing stress.

  • Humor interrupts the struggle for power by removing tension and allowing for reconnection and regaining perspective
  • Humor, laughter, and play free you from rigid forms of thinking and behaving
  • Humor frees us from inhibition, allowing us to express our genuine emotions

There are 3 factors that define crucial conversations:
1) opinions vary
2) stakes are high
3) emotions are high.

These conversations can lead to breakthroughs or breakdowns depending on how we handle them. Often, they are not handled well or at all. People either live in a sub-optimal state, OR they hope for the situation to resolve itself.

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